Welcome to our 3 Part Blog Series on YouTube SEO optimization! If you didn’t have a chance to read Part One you can check it out here. Today's Blog will address how to optimize your YouTube video description and tags to receive better SEO.
Your description should clearly define the purpose of your video. YouTube gives a generous amount of room for the description. The description should not exceed 250 words. Similar to the title you should include keywords in the description. The keywords should be at the beginning of the description, so they appear above the 'Show More" fold. By keeping important keywords above the "Show More" link it adds higher value to a search engine than those below the "Show More" fold. Keep in mind not to include too many keywords where the clarity of the video is lost. The keywords used in the description can be the same ones used in previous videos on your channel. The more time a keyword is used within the same channel across different videos, the better. The description should include a link to your website or a Landing Page to drive traffic. Be sure the link you include has the "http" and is the full URL. After writing your description you should review it and make sure it is an asset that will increase traffic coming to your page.
Tags should be any words or phrases your prospective clients may be using to find videos like yours. You should always do research around tags to see how they are used and whose using them. Tags should be separated with a space unless you're trying to insert a multiple word tag. When inserting a multiple word tag you should use double quotations around the tag. You cannot use more than 500 characters within the Tags field. Tags are similar to keywords in that you should try to use similar tags throughout other videos on your channel. Like keywords they should be clear and relevant to your content. The more important tags should appear first. You shouldn't use filler words like "to" or "and". Lastly, don't forget to include your Company name as a tag!
No longer is the title the only important factor to the overall optimization of your video. There are several working parts to SEO. All aspects of the video like the tags, description, and title should all work together to be clear and detailed. All parts should include similar keywords and tags to best reach the audience you want.