Using Video Services to Stand Out in a Tough Niche

Video sharing

Many business owners launch their digital web presence and find that their blog posts, their social media contributions, and all their other digital efforts fall short to companies that have been around for longer. Other times, huge opportunities are lost to the competition simply because the presentation was lackluster and uninspiring.

Because multimedia has made both online and offline marketing so competitive, many companies have turned to video services to create the valuable multimedia content they need to stay visible and authoritative, even in tough niches saturated with authoritative competitors. Some of the marketing benefits of video services include:

  1. Videos are enjoyable and easy to digest for for both general and targeted audiences. While the production values are greater than a piece of written content, the views and inbound traffic more than make up for it.
  2. Videos, especially when created for B2B purposes, not only inform the audience, but lend to the credibility of the parent company that commissioned it.
  3. Closing sales or increasing rapport with clients has never been easier as video branding is simple to consume and serves both as tool of inbound and retention marketing. By using videos in meetings, on the website in tactical locations, on squeeze and sales pages, and other traffic or visibility 'choke points:' even fledgling companies are going to notice increased conversions and greater search engine rankings.

While the benefit of utilizing video services to create an impact in marketing goals is clear, different video services apply different techniques, creating their own flavor of videos that exhibit unique strengths and weaknesses when they hit the general market. More information about video marketing and using 3rd party video services can be found on marketing forums or by visiting a multimedia marketing specialist's blog.

5 Ways to Use Marketing Videos on Your Website

Stop wasting your time! Create your video today!